Sex Toys Kamasutra Style

Sex Toys Kamasutra Style

If you’ve read the Sex Toys Kamasutra Style, or if you’ve picked up one of those tawdry picture books which have diagrams of karma sutra positions, you’ll know that some of the positions are… well, let’s just say you would have to have excellent core strength, incredible endurance, and the flexibility of an Olympic gymnast to pull them off.

Sure they look exciting, or at least from what you can make out, you think they could be exciting, but when you’re having sex, unless you both happen to Olympic gymnasts, setting up positions like that would probably take a lot of time, it might be painful, and it would probably just kill the mood.  Being sexually adventurous doesn’t necessarily have to involve contortionist sex positions, although they might be fun to try once or twice, even if they can be completely unflattering.

But, most of us want to expand our sexual horizons without pulling a muscle, so maybe put down your copy of the Karma Sutra and invest your time exploring the world of sex toys.  Let’s be frank, the sex industry is enormous, and as sex is something we humans really like to do, we’re entirely invested in keeping the industry thriving. So, there will undoubtedly be sex toys out there, which cater exactly to your tastes.

Whether you have a penchant for certain textiles, or bodily restrictions, or you have someone bizarre fantasy you just can’t get out of your head, there will be something out there for you. There are approximately seven billion people on this planet so have no fear, you probably didn’t think of it first.

For more ideas visit your nearest Wicked Desires adult store or visit to expand your sexual horizons today!

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