Real Friends Know What Sex Toys You Like

Real Friends Know What Sex Toys You Like

Everyone has that friend, or maybe a few friends, where you’ve known them for so long that there are absolutely no boundaries. You know everything about each other, your business is their business, and vice versa, and your sex lives make for casual conversation. So is it weird to buy your closest friends adult gifts or sex toys for their birthdays? Well… once you’ve seen each other naked, just about anything goes.

Buying an adult gift, sex toy, or even buying a special personal lubricant, can be a perfect present for a friend you’ve shared so many birthdays with that you’ve already bought every standard birthday present under the sun. A sex toy as a present can often seem like a joke, but sex is part of adult life and sex toys and lubricants can often improve the sexual experience.

Maybe your friend is a bit of a prude, or currently a little sexually frustrated, or maybe your friend has an outrageous sex life and a sex toy would only add to the fun. Either way, an adult gift can be a very personal present, as if to say – you know I know you have a freaky sex life and I don’t judge you for it, so here, happy 30th, have a whip. A sex toy or an adult gift might just be the perfect present – it could spice up your friend’s sex life, or awaken a side to them they didn’t know they had. A sex toy can also be the kind of friend you can’t be when your friend is feeling a little lonely.

So if your best friend’s birthday is coming up and you want your present to be something a little different and unexpected this year, head online to and pick your friend up something saucy. Even if you do buy your friend that giant rainbow coloured dildo just for laughs, your friend probably won’t say no to a few extra orgasms! Who would?

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