Experts Guide To Fellatio

Fellatio, otherwise known as oral sex can be a pleasurable experience for both people involved. There are many helpful hints to getting and giving fellatio, but one of the most important things to remember is to get comfortable. It’s best to find a position that works best for both parties. If you’re starting with a soft penis, you can still put it in your mouth while it’s flaccid to get acquainted with the taste and feel. Kiss it or lick it to tease you and your partner.

Then slide your lips gently over your teeth for smooth sailing. Remember, your not  a mind-reader, so watch for your partner’s body language cues. Work with the natural downward angle of your throat. You can try kneeling before your partner or seated on a couch and then position yourself between their legs. Using pillows under your knees or to support yourself is a handy way to make things more comfortable. You can also lay down and let your partner thrust into your mouth.

Make eye contact during oral sex. Show your partner how much you love being down there, and make some appreciative noises. You can do much more with your mouth than just suck. Mix it up by licking the shaft,  head of the penis, and the testicles. You can also give your blow job a hand… literally! Grip the penis around it’s base and slide it up and down, hand-job style, in time with your mouth. Don’t forget the rest of the body either. Stroke, tickle, or even scratch anywhere you can reach.


•  Get into a comfortable position

•  Communicate with your partner

•  Make eye contact

•  Use your hands

•  Incorporate adult toys for fun

•  Only swallow or deep throat if you feel comfortable

•  Use flavoured lube or oral throat spray

•  Wear a condom to prevent spreading STD’s

Deep throating the entire shaft into your mouth and throat can be considered cool, but you shouldn’t do it unless it’s enjoyable you also. The secret to deep throating is to relax your jaw and throat muscles as much as you can, or you may trigger your gag reflex. Bring some adult toys into your your fellatio adventures can not only be fun, but make the blow job more pleasurable for the giver.

Experiment with cock rings, butt plugs, or mini vibrators  to give sexy sensations to the testicles and perineum, and yourself! A simple trick is to also suck on ice or a breath mint to give a tingly sensation to the penis. You can sweeten things up by applying some edible flavoured lubricant.

There is also throat spray, which will desensitise your throat, particularly if you have a very sensitive gag reflex. Adding adult toys and sex products to the blow job can turn what some people feel is a chore that they do for their partner, into something much more pleasurable for themselves as well. We here at Wicked Desires believe that it is always your choice whether or not to swallow during ejaculation.

You have several choices if you aren’t into swallowing ejaculate. Preferably, you can use a condom, which not only takes care of the swallowing problem, but also protects your from STD’s associated with any sexual practice. Alternatively, you still can take it in your mouth and then discreetly deposit the sperm into a nearby towel or tissue.

Or, as your partner approaches climax, finish the job with your hand. Another favourite is to let your partner come on your body and admire the results. Remember, you should only be performing fellatio on somebody if you’re enjoying it too.

Have fun with your partner and communicate as you go. Whether it be hand jobs, adult toys or sex products, using condoms or simply finding a more comfortable position to sit, you can find a way to make oral sex one of the most rewarding sexual experiences between two people imaginable.


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