Vaginas come in all shapes and sizes and no matter what yours looks like, the chances are you’re stuck with it for life.  It’s important you become familiar with this intimate area of your body. Below are five things you may not have known about your vagina.

1. Orgasms are good for pain relief

Studies have proven that orgasms are an effective treatment for pain relief. In fact, a good orgasm is better than most over the counter medications. This is because endorphins released during sex can increase pain tolerance by almost 70 per cent. I guess that means the ‘headache’ excuse is no longer valid!

2. Vaginas are self-cleaning

Like a cat, vaginas are designed to clean themselves regularly. This is a process by which your vagina produces discharge which expels old cells that have lined the vagina. The colour and thickness of your discharge will change depending on your monthly cycle and health.

To maintain a clean and healthy vagina, avoid harsh chemicals or invasive douches. Instead, drink lots of water to get your natural juices flowing.

Personal lubricants can keep your intimate area healthy and happy.

3. There’s more than one “G” Spot

As if finding the G spot wasn’t hard enough, there’s now more than one. The A-Spot is located deeper within the canal than the G-spot. Correctly stimulated, the A-spot can give a woman incredible orgasms. Just remember to use plenty of personal lubricant so it’s not uncomfortable.

4. You are what you eat

Health experts have been preaching the merits of a healthy diet for centuries but now sex therapists agree. Studies have shown that the smell and taste of a woman’s vagina is largely determined by what she eats. The hot tip for a fresh smelling undercarriage? Avoid foods like onion and cabbage and instead go for fresh fruits such as pineapple and oranges. You never know, it might give your man an excuse to head south more often.

5. Having sex can keep your vagina young and healthy

Like all muscles, your vagina needs to be exercised regularly in order to stay in shape. During prolonged periods of abstinence the delicate tissues inside the vagina wall will thin and begin to weaken. Regular sex, however, can tone and strengthen your pelvic muscles, which can lead to greater bladder control and longer, stronger orgasms.

For more tips on getting to know your vagina intimately, visit the Wicked Desires website or drop in to one of their many store locations across Queensland. Their range of sex toys and personal lubricants will be sure to keep your vagina happy and healthy for many years to come.

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