Condoms Product Knowledge

Most people don’t realise that condoms are classified as medical devices, and if you are not in an exclusive relationship then a condom is an absolute necessity. There are more than fifty different types of diseases that can be passed through sexual activity, and some are terminal, such as HIV. The only way to lessen your risk to STD’s is to use a condom.

These types of products are regulated by the Food and Drug Administration, so that every single condom is tested before it is sold. Condoms also prevent unwanted pregnancy. Most condom products are made of latex or polyurethane. Viruses can not penetrate through latex, yet latex has two major drawbacks. Firstly, oils can make it fall apart, and there are some people who are allergic to latex.

Polyurethane condoms are designed for people who are allergic to latex, and for some people a latex reaction could be lethal. If you have had a reaction to wearing a band-aid then you may have a latex allergy and you should consider using a polyurethane condom instead. Some people are also allergic to spermicide, the Nonoxynol-9 chemical that is put into some condom lubricants to kill sperm.

It can help prevent pregnancy when it is used in the vagina along with contraceptives or other birth control devices. Spermicide should never be used in the mouth or rectum. There are many different kinds of condoms, and they are usually three sizes available.

The size differences are very subtle. There are also non-lubricated ones which are an old style of contraception. Non-lubricated ones are best used for oral sex.

Condoms Overview

•   Condoms prevent STD’s and pregnancy

•   They come in may styles

•   Some have spermicide, which kills sperm

•   Some people are allergic to latex and spermicide

•   Polyurethane condoms are for people with allergies

•   Should be used with shared sex toys

•   Used condoms must be disposed of in a bin

•   Always check the used by date

Then there are plain-lubricated condoms and also standard shaped lubricated condoms. Thin and sensitive designs to provide enough sensitive feeling for those that do not like the regular sort. Extra Strength condoms are heavy duty, and are recommend by Wicked Desires for people who regularly have multiple partners or one night stands. Large condoms are for the well endowed, while flavoured condoms are perfect for oral sex.

Textured condoms have a fun design that will add some additional stimulation. Dental Dams are unique as they are specially designed as a barrier for use while performing oral sex on the vagina, and also oral sex on the anus. When properly used, dental dams may reduce the risk of catching or spreading STD’s, but they cannot entirely eliminate the risk.

Using condoms on adult toys is also recommended. It not only helps to keep your adult toy clean, but it means it can be used between partners with out the risk of spreading sexually transmitted diseases. Condoms should be wrapped in a tissue and placed in a bin after use, never flush a condom down the toilet.

Always check the use by date on the packaging of the condom. Condoms prevent pregnancy and save lives. They are a cheap and accessible contraception device that can be used during sex and with a sex toy.


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